Lindsey & Brandon’s love story would start back in 2010, but it wasn’t a love story just yet back then! Lindsey knew of Brandon through friends, and while they didn’t fall in love until a few years later, Brandon says that the first thing that caught his eye was Lindsey’s smile! She’ll tell you that the first thing she noticed was his blue eyes, and to this day she loves those captivating baby blues!

So, fast forward a few years and these two went out with all of their friends and had such a fun night with one another, but knew they didn’t want to ruin their friendship so they spent the following week bugging all of their friends about whether or not they should date, falling head over heels for one another, all the while not talking at all! Well, I bet you can guess how this turned out!

And, can I just give massive props to Brandon for his proposal?? Brandon planned a stay-cation for the both of them with friends, which started with a nice dinner. Lindsey wasn’t on to him one bit because this is something they do often. After dinner they went back to the hotel they were staying at which had a gondola ride inside of it! They were in line for the gondola and to go on with their friends and Lindsey & Brandon got on their ride and their friends said they’d take the next one, and then proceeded to hand Brandon the purse of Lindsey’s friend to hold since it had something in it she didn’t want to lose. Lindsey didn’t know what to make of that, but she was so excited to be in that gondola with Brandon she didn’t think anything of it! As they head off on the ride, Brandon started talking about how much he loved Lindsey and how much he looked forward to their future together and got down on one knee right there in the boat! (PS: how did he do that without rocking it?!) Bonus points: Brandon had a photographer hiding out in the bushes to capture the moment — of pure shock & excitement!

Not only are Lindsey & Brandon seriously adorable, but they are fun and really live life with joy & excitement and I loved being able to watch them during our time together! They didn’t need one ounce of guidance because they just lived in the moment together, and you can tell that is exactly how they live their life the rest of the time! Lindsey says that Brandon makes her feel like she can accomplish anything, and that they are always leaning on one another, and pushing each other to be the best they can be.

I feel like the luckiest person in the world some days, getting a behind the scenes view into people’s love – and these two are just the absolute best! Their love has been evident since I met Lindsey. The love they have together for one another, and their sweet little girl. The support they provide one another. The absolute fun they have together, the way Brandon looks at Lindsey, and the way she gets giddy thinking about being his wife and the babies to come. This is the good stuff in life, and these two have it.

I am so excited for you two, and what the future has to hold for you both and your marriage! I am so grateful to you both for allowing me to be part of this season of life, as well as the many, many mosquitoes you endured with me for all of these amazing photos!

Help me congratulate these two cuties on their engagement!!