Your wedding day is right around the corner and you’re feeling somewhere between nervous and excited as hell – you can’t wait to marry your best friend and get on with the wedding day already after all of your planning and prepping, but what do you need to make sure you don’t forget for your wedding day?!
“Wait, Caitlin, did you just say forget things for the wedding day?!”
Sometimes this does happen, so I’ve put together a list for your day to help you feel prepared and at ease that you have all the things you may possibly need on your wedding day — and please remember, that not all of these things are a necessity but here’s a quick checklist of items for all of you!
Bridal needs:
– Getting ready outfits: shirt, slippers, robes, etc. Make sure whatever you’re getting ready in is not something that will need to be pulled up over your head!
– Wedding dress: obviously an important one, but do make sure it’s safely tucked into its bag and freshly steamed.
– Undergarments: make sure you have the right accessories for under your dress and make sure you don’t need any accessories to make them fit properly!
– Veil: if you’re having one of course! Also make sure to include the clips and pins to put it in place properly!
– Hair accessories: if you’re hair artist isn’t bringing this themselves make sure to pack them in with your details!
– Purse or clutch: for when you are leaving with your spouse after the wedding!
– Engagement Ring & Wedding bands: If you’re not going to be wearing your engagement ring because you just had it cleaned, make sure it’s with both wedding bands and packed safely in a box labeled for detail images.
– Jewelry: Any additional jewelry you’ll be wearing; necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings, etc. All tucked safely into the details box.
– Garter: and don’t forget if you’re also having a separate toss garter to include that one!
– Shoes: your shoes that you’ll wear down the aisle, but also consider packing a pair of comfortable slip on shoes of some kind for during the reception!
– Perfume: pack this in your details box as well; and make sure you spritz right before you walk down the aisle!
– Traditional items: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. You can also include anything you’ll have pinned/tucked in remembrance of anyone near and dear to you!
– Mini-Emergency Kit: ibuprofen/tylenol, mini sewing kit & a couple basic buttons, heel protectors, Tide To-Go, oil blotting sheets, deodorant, perfume, hairspray, hair ties, bobby pins, travel toothbrush and toothpaste, tampons, etc.
…..and finally….
– Packed Bag: Remember that at the end of the night you’ll be either leaving for your night together or your honeymoon, so make sure to have your overnight or travel bag packed and ready to go!
Make sure that someone responsible besides yourself knows where the most important items are throughout the day!
Groom’s Needs:
– Entire Suit or Tux: It is going to be so important to make sure every piece fits properly so make sure they are tried on and appropriately tailored the week of, preferably no later than Monday or Tuesday the week of.
– Bow Tie or Tie: Has it been 100 years (or never) since you have tied a tie or tied a bow tie? Make sure to watch and practice tying these prior to the wedding day! Here are 2 links to help:
How to tie a tie, Windsor Knot: https://youtu.be/xAg7z6u4NE8
How to tie a bow tie: https://youtu.be/wxKA9be_3Gk
– Undergarments: this includes socks, underwear, and any undershirts necessary for your day.
– Belt: if not provided with your suit or tux.
– Socks & Shoes: you won’t want to walk down the aisle without either of these!
–Tie clip & Cuff Links: These will want to go in the details box.
– Cologne: bring your favorite, or your soon to be wife’s favorite for an extra special scent!
– Accessories: handkerchief, pocket square, watch, etc.
Detail Shots:
This will include everything labeled as a detail in the above sections and:
– An unused invitation suite: I recommend 2 full suites to includes envelope, invitation, rsvp card or seating card and any decorative additionals.
– Letters to your future spouse: Writing a letter to your future spouse and tucking it into their gift or having your bridal party deliver it is a great moment to connect beforehand.
– Gifts for your future spouse: not all couples gift each other something on their wedding day, but if you decided to do it, don’t forget it!
– Gifts for your bridal party: sometimes these gifts are given when you ask them into your bridal party or sometimes they’re given at the wedding. Either way, if you incorporate them, you’ll want to bring them. And remember the littlest of the bridal party, too!
– Gifts for your parents: this one is simple, but even a hand written letter is a sweet sentiment to the ones with misty eyes all day.
Ceremony Details:
– Marriage License: This is one of the most important things to remember! Make sure to keep all of the paperwork in the manila envelope you get at the courthouse & put someone in charge of keeping it safe before and after it’s signed if you won’t have a wedding coordinator!
– Vows: This is something you will want to put with all of your detail items!
– Ceremony ritual items: are you having a unity ceremony of some sort? Or tying the rope, jumping the broom or breaking the glass? If these things aren’t being provided by someone, make sure they’re packed up a couple days before!
– Programs and Ceremony DIY/Decor: If you have any of these in your possession make sure they’re all packed up beforehand or put someone like a mother/mother in law or a responsible bridal party person in charge of bringing & setting these up and out!
Reception Details:
Some of these items can & are provided by either your venue, rental vendor or your various vendors – but if not, here is a list so you don’t forget!
– Champagne Flutes: If these aren’t provided by your venue or you have special ones you’d like to use, be sure to pack them up safely!
– Photos to be displayed: Will you be putting up photos from either your relationship or you both growing up? What about photos of remembrance for loved ones not able to attend? Be sure to have these framed & ready to go!
– Guest book & card box: These will be important to have at the entrance to your venue so your guests do these things first!
– Signage: welcome sign, bar signs, quotes, gift table sign, guest book sign, etc.
– Cake topper & table numbers
Exit – Ceremony or Reception:
– Sparkler Exit: If you are wanting to do a sparkler exit, be sure to check with your venue that they allow one in the first place, and if they provide sparklers. If not, you can find sparklers here: https://www.superiorcelebrations.com/product/n-ce0977-36/36-gold-sparklers.html OR here: https://weddingdaysparklers.com/36-inch-wedding-sparklers/
– Ceremony Exit: are you wanting to do a petal toss, bubbles or biodegradable confetti as you walk down the aisle? Make sure to purchase those in advance! For petals you can always ask your florist for extra petals they have in the shop, and if you’re wanting to use confetti of some sort, please make sure to not only check with the venue but when buying, please make sure to purchase biodegradable confetti from a reputable source. Things like balloon releases are not good for the environment so I strongly recommend against it!
Vendor Tips:
– Tipping: It’s important to remember that each of your vendors have worked very hard for your day to come together, so even a small tip is an appreciated one. Although these vendors were paid for their time and talents, oftentimes a lot of that income has gone back into staffing, supplies, equipment and so much more. A tip is always a nice way to say “thank you for all you’ve done for us today”.
For Vendor tip recommendations, check this post here.