Everyone needs a Bebe in their life.

Someone who is steady, kind, creative, hilarious, faithful.  Who can be honest with you, love on your babies, lift you up, make you laugh until your sides hurt and go antique shopping.


Bebe is all of those things and more to me in my life, and I am seriously so grateful for her and her sweet family.

And what’s really funny is that we met in the park – and I’m not really sure who talked to who first, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say it was her because she is definitely the extroverted one of us both!  Our boys are nearly the same age, and they really love one another too.

But, while it started with a connection of having same age babies, our friendship didn’t really begin until after I had the opportunity to photograph her family and her sweet babies last year.  And ever since then I think we’ve spoken almost every single day!


So, I was absolutely honored when this sweet friend of mine started joining me at sessions so she could learn more about what I do and turn it into her own creative outlet, which would become Cholla Bloom – Photography and Design.  And man, this woman is absolutely working in her gifting.  From newborn to the milestone moments through the first few years, to families and even designing announcements, invitations and more to go along with your artwork, Bebe is incredibly talented!  So much so that she was chosen for a very special interview that I’ll link to as long as it goes live!!  And, to make it even more incredible, a little secret is that Bebe creates a big chunk of her props and sweet baby clothing that she has in her studio!  I don’t know about you guys, but I still drop my phone on my face from time to time so I give it up to her for being so creative along with all of her many other wonderful qualities!

And with that, and the step into her business, Bebe asked me to capture a portrait session for her, and she agreed to follow me into a new location I’ve seen a few times but hadn’t ventured into yet – broken toe and all – and we got the most beautiful images, of my most beautiful friend!


Bebe, thank you for being you!  And thank you for this honor of allowing me to capture these images for you!


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